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To Help You On Your Way



I often hear, "I wish I could just talk to someone in publishing because I have so many questions." Well, now you can, thanks to Clarity Calls here at Book Coach Pro. This 60 minute phone or Zoom session is right for you if you have ever asked yourself any of the following questions:


  • I have so many book ideas; which is the most viable to start with?

  • How do I even know if my book or story could be sold?

  • I have a great story but is there someone who can help me get it on paper?

  • How do I outline or map my book in order to keep readers hooked?

  • What is a query letter and how do I write one?

  • Is self-publishing or traditional publishing better for me?

  • I started writing my book, but how do I know if my first few chapters are interesting to the reader?

  • Is there someone who can coach me so I actually get this book finished?


Of course, you may be asking yourself something along these lines or something completely different. And, that is perfectly fine. A clarity call is just that - a time where you are free to ask all the questions you need when it comes to writing your book, determining what publishing route is the right one for you, or if you have many book ideas, which is the right book to start with right now. You may have questions about building your platform or are trying to figure out if you need a book launch manager (or can do it yourself - hint: you can). 


Whatever questions you need answered, I am here for you. 

I look forward to spending an hour together and helping you move to the next step of this process. 




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